Sip Kitchen

Organic Seed Bread


$18.50 - Save 15%

$15.73 Loaf

RSF, Plant-Based, LCHF, Nut-Free, Made using non-gluten & non-dairy ingredients but may contain traces

A nutrient-dense, filling plant-based seed bread

Ingredients: buckwheat flour, buckwheat, psyllium, chia, flax meal, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, nutritional yeast, pink salt, coconut oil, coconut sugar

Keeps in the pantry 1 week, fridge up to 2 weeks and freezes well for up to 3 months

Please note our kitchen uses the following ingredients: tree nuts, peanuts, dairy, oats, egg, fish, sesame, & shellfish. While we take the utmost care with every product we make, there is a chance of cross-contamination. 

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