Sip Kitchen


I have previously tried Longevity Fasting's FMD (Fasting Mimicking Diet), so I was certainly intrigued when I heard about the My800 with added protein. As an athlete who typically trains around 15 hours per week, keeping up some physical activity is essential to my routine. Whilst doing the FMD, although I keep up some exercise, I felt anything substantial was nearly impossible.

The My800 certainly hit my expectations. Not only was all the food provided incredibly tasty and nutritious (almost too delicious as you wanted more!), I found I was able to exercise 1-2 hours every day over the three day course. Compared to the FMD, my blood glucose levels were much more stable (blood glucose lows of 4.0 MM during My800, compared to 2.7 MM during FMD). This is why I could exercise much more readily.

My800 was much more holistic, as it still allowed for other health-boosting activities like exercise and sauna. It also wasn’t anywhere near as catabolic due to the higher protein, which is undoubtedly crucial for athletes like me. I enjoyed the My800 and will look to be including this into my routine every 3 months as metabolic re-set.

Dr Dan Plews

I was interested in doing the My800 to give my body a bit of a reset after having two pregnancies over a three year period, and begin to concentrate on my health.

I found My800 to be beneficial in a number of ways and would definitely be keen to incorporate it into my health regime again. I usually do a level of fasting most days (coffee with cream around 11am and finish dinner around 6pm), so in this regard I did follow the same suit of looking to eat my first meal around this time and found it to be plain sailing energy wise. I also managed to incorporate a 45min strength session on Day 2, and was able to complete it easily.

One of my favourite things about My800 was that as a family, we were still able to sit down together at lunch and dinner and have meals together which is extremely important to us to connect and have that time together.

The meals themselves, I opened up the meal plan and boxes when we received it and....oh my goodness....they were delicious and had the volumes, textures, and flavours that you would want more of and what made me really love the meals was that I know every ingredient had been carefully considered and was of huge benefit to my body. From an individual and social (family) perspective, I absolutely loved it and will absolutely be doing it again!


My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the 3 day My800 plan. We’ve both done 5 day limited calorie plans in the past which are a little more challenging and tougher to fit into a busy social lifestyle. The 3 day plan is easy to fit in during the week and it’s over before you know it.

The food is delicious! The variety was excellent and we certainly didn’t feel like we were missing out at all. We both lost around 1.5kg over the 3 days but that wasn’t really the whole story; improved mood, no bloating and a clear and alert mind is what really helps you understand the importance of quality in, quality out.

The additional protein in this plan meant I still managed to exercise during the 3 days and felt comfortable with sessions burning 5-600 calories per day. The meals are also easy to take to work and heat if needed. We will be looking to do the My800 plan again soon.

R. Booth 

I loved my My800 meal plan & the LFD. I did both diets with one week off in between after having surgery. I decided to invest in them as I had gained a bit of weight, plus I wanted to give my digestive system a break & allow for optimal healing while recovering after surgery. I am happy to report that both those things happened after following the programmes. I was able to lose almost 4% body fat which may sound insignificant, but I look & feel noticeably different, & it was amazing to do in such a short space of time; keeping in mind I was not allowed to do any exercise except small walks after surgery. My surgical wounds have healed really well & I feel like my body was not at all stressed out during the process. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The food was absolutely delicious & I didn't feel like I was punishing myself, to the contrary I looked forward to the food. I'll admit I missed my oat flat whites though! I appreciated the warming foods in these packs - especially at this time of year!! I could eat the dahl in My800 for the rest of my life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
I'll definitely be doing either of these programmes again for the next few months while I'm working a lot because it's often hard to make good food choices when you're tired & cold unless you have pre-prepared it, & it's even harder to find time to work out.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the effort you've put into developing these programmes!!


I especially like the 3-day plans and use them to reset and keep my health and wellbeing on track despite disrupted routines and the recent challenges of lockdowns.


We both found the My800 three-day fast really good.  The food was tasty and had great variety.  We both continued our usual exercise and did not experience any lack of energy.  We really only felt a bit hungry later in the evenings.

For me in particular I found this a much more pleasant experience than the LFD when I had headaches and dizziness and fuzzy vision.  None of that with the My 800.  Also psychologically 3 days is just more manageable than 5.

We would certainly be keen to try again, possibly doing a 2 day on a regular basis.

J. Kennedy

In terms of energy, I have been able to keep up with my 45 min power yoga and 8-10k steps a day so that's been a big difference as this is definitely not possible on other meal plans.


The food is delicious, you do an amazing job - and because of that, I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself or missing out. I also have more time because I don’t have to meal prep.

I’ve lost 7.5kg and I’m wanting to lose another 17.5kg, so I’ll keep doing this for a little while longer!


I have a busy and active lifestyle and love that I can continue to exercise while doing MY800.


My800 Meal Plans

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