Sip Kitchen

About the LFD

About the LFD

The Longevity Fasting Diet (LFD) is a calorie-restricted protocol based on the research from the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD™). The FMD™ was developed by Dr Valter Longo and his team at the Longevity Institute after decades of ground-breaking research on longevity.

Fasting-mimicking diets such as the LFD contain macro-nutrients in precise quantities & combinations, with a low carbohydrate and a very low protein and sugar content, that aids adherence to the fast, whilst keeping you in the desired fasted 'catabolic', rest and repair state.

The purpose of severely restricting protein and limiting carbohydrates and sugars is to switch your body into rejuvenation versus growth mode. Our natural repair mechanisms become damaged over time, however, this protocol helps up-regulate these mechanisms to improve our ‘health span’.

Five-Day LFD

The five-day FMD™ was developed to promote healthy longevity through:

  • Promoting longevity and cell-based renewal
  • Improving biomarkers such as insulin sensitivity, triglyceride levels, and cholesterol, which are common indicators of metabolic syndromes such as type II diabetes and heart disease
  • Switching all cells to protected anti-aging mode
  • Encouraging cellular autophagy (the process by which your cells consume their damaged parts, using them as energy for healthy cells)
  • Cell apoptosis and subsequent regeneration (killing off damaged cells and replacing them with newly regenerated cells from activated stem cells)
  • Igniting fat burning through nutritional ketosis, in particular, visceral/ abdominal fat
  • Gaining control over your nutrition & kickstarting healthier eating habits
  • Improving energy, mental clarity & focus

Three-Day LFD

While the benefits above are the outcomes of a five-day fasting-mimicking diet on which our shorter three-day LFD is based, shorter fasts have also been shown to have similar benefits:

  • Easy to adhere to and an achievable length of time to be used on a more regular basis​​​​​​​​
  • Improving biomarkers such as insulin sensitivity, triglyceride levels & cholesterol, which are common indicators of metabolic syndromes such as type II diabetes & heart disease
  • Enough time for many individuals to burn through glucose & kick-start fat-burning⠀​​​​​​​​
  • Great for those not ready for/who don't need five days of fasting ​​​​​​​​
  • Easy to add on a more regular basis for those who want to get the benefits of three days of fasting during busy work, travel, or social periods
  • Gaining control over your nutrition & kickstarting healthier eating habits
  • Improving energy, mental clarity & focus

LFD Meal Pack

Your organic, whole food meal packs contain all of the food you will be eating over your five-day mimicked fast. Your meal packs contain a combination of soups, warm vegetable dishes, breakfast items, and snacks, made from fresh, organic, seasonal, and plant-based ingredients. We have calculated the calories, fats, proteins, and micronutrient profiles of each meal to ensure that they are consistent with the published FMD™ recommendations.

We have made the meal plan as tasty and satisfying as possible whilst operating within tight parameters to ensure all meals are:

  • Consistent with the published clinically defined nutrient and calorie guidelines
  • Made with organic ingredients (where available)
  • Plant-based (vegan)
  • Paleo
  • Dairy-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Grain-free
  • Sugar-free

Summary of the LFD Nutrition Parameters

The LFD contains very low quantities of protein from plant-based sources only. There is no room in the macros for animal proteins.

The LFD contains complex carbohydrates from plant sources with less than 13g of sugars on any of the fasting days.

The LFD contains fats primarily from “healthy” oils such as coconut oil and olive oil, and from nuts such as almonds and macadamias.

Day One
Calories are limited to 1,100 in total, comprised of:

  • Fat: No more than 56% of the day’s total calories
  • Protein: 10% of the day's total calories
  • Carbohydrates: No more than 34% of the day’s total calories
  • Sugars: No more than 10% of the day’s total calories

Days Two-Five
Calories are limited to 800cal comprised from:

  • Fat: No more than 50% of the day’s total calories
  • Protein: 9-12% of the day's total calories
  • Carbohydrates: No more than 40% of the day’s total calories
  • Sugars: No more than 11% of the day’s total calories

Day Six
Day six of the LFD is your first day of refeeding. This is a very important part of the LFD as it initiates the regeneration process that you’ve worked so hard to achieve during your five-day fast.

You should consume approximately 1,200-1,400 calories on day six. We recommend eating a diet that is whole-food based i.e. plenty of fresh vegetables, quality low-inflammatory fats and protein; wholegrain and root vegetables for slow-release sources of carbohydrates. If you would like help with your refeed meals, we created a day-six refeed meal plan specifically for the LFD which you can purchase here.

Three-Day LFD Macronutrient Parameters

Days One-Three
Calories are limited to 800cal comprised from:

  • Fat: No more than 50% of the day’s total calories
  • Protein: 9-12% of the day's total calories
  • Carbohydrates: No more than 40% of the day’s total calories
  • Sugars: No more than 11% of the day’s total calories

Day Four
Day four of the three-day LFD is your first day of refeeding. This is a very important part of the LFD as it initiates the regeneration process that you’ve worked so hard to achieve during your fast.

You should consume approximately 1,200-1,400 calories on day four. We recommend eating a diet that is whole-food based i.e. plenty of fresh vegetables, quality low-inflammatory fats, and protein; wholegrain and root vegetables for slow-release sources of carbohydrates. If you would like help with your refeed meals, we created a Refeed Meal Plan specifically for the LFD which you can purchase here.


Longevity Fasting Diet by Sip Kitchen

LCHF, Sugar-Free, Grain-Free, Soy-Free, Made using non-gluten & non-dairy ingredients but may contain traces
15% Discount | Plant-Based | Sugar-Free | Made using non-gluten and non-dairy ingredients but may contain traces
15% Discount | Plant-Based | Sugar-Free | Made using non-gluten and non-dairy ingredients but may contain traces